October 21, 2010


Fall from our martyr
We have seen how he fell ... From afar
Fell to the ground martyr, Fell smiling ...
Was Happy, he fell Smiling ...
Thank God
Received the certificate ... Got happiness
His house got high ... Certificate
Thank God
Fell closed to us, Carried him on our shoulders
Seen from afar ... Was Happy he fell Smiling ...
Thank God
In the name of God, he fought ...
And Allahu Akbar... he fell smiling
He remembered the God very much
Fought in his process often
Frequently asked God
Oh God certificate
We saw after him awarded
Was Happy
Found what he wanted
Fell to the ground martyr
Referred him to the Supreme ... For awards
God, we count him with martyrs
Your slave does it...
Coming to you "Martyr" Stained with blood
Suggestive of verses, and smiling ... Happiness

 © 2007

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there!

    Saw Your profile on twitter. I'm a published latvian poet (not trying to be arrogant, just the factthat I know a thing or two about poetry). Moments of Happiness is a great poem. Just a few tips. on this and other poems.

    first of all lose the 3-dots. It doesn't help. it doesn't add any seriousness. They're pointless, basically. They're like a huge neon sign - my poem is serious! :) it is. No one needs the thoughtful dots.

    Secondly, try to organize Your verses - There must be a point, why one presses enter to divide a sentence. Poem is a poem not a text, which looks like a poem. Remember there is only one rule - everything must be with a reason.

    Last of all try to spread out on metaphors. I see, that You have a great vocabulary, and You've read a lot and experienced a lot. That is a blessing, I tell You.

    so if any questions write - u.zirnis@gmail.com

    good luck!

    Ulvis, Latvia
