April 01, 2020

Red Lipstick - d'Verse Poets

She does not know her strength 
When I met her first time wearing her red veil
Shouting against oppressors 
I did not know they existed 

She fought for woman, workers, poor people
and children in need. I was exited.

With her nothing was the same, 
What she did, say and act for 
made no sense to me
Just lots of anger
and more anger

But I cared, even when she became red 
Screaming for better life for all of us. 
I learned that her redness was her statement
To make someone's blood boil

Her friends blamed me,
I needed her strength for fight 
With me she glows, then she make me smile
Right before she puts on her red lipstick 


It's been 3 years since last time I posted something on my blog. I missed d'Verse Poets. This time we are celebrating the color RED. d'Verse Poets

For more see  My Old d'Vers Poems

ShadiatiQue © 2010-2020


  1. Nice description of her personality: "redness was her statement"

  2. I love it! Sounds like a strong and courageous woman in every way!

  3. Welcome back to dVerse! I hope you'll hang around with us a bit more. I like your strong woman, doing battle for what is right! For me, this was the red of the red flag,stained with the blood of martyrhood.

  4. I like redness being a statement. Good one!

  5. Oh I love this... what a woman... and how good for you to grow with her strength

  6. Lovely tribute to a very strong woman.😊. Love this.


  7. Useful blog. Thank you for sharing with us.
