August 09, 2012

Lethal Combination

Lethal combination

I spotted them both of them
Walking down the hills
Walking towards me
No, just walking, just to pass me
I wanted to walk away
Take another way
He saw me, our eyes met again

As I always do, I blamed my eyes
Do my eyes only catch or spot him ONLY

Then I blamed him for walking 

on this sidewalk with someone else

It used to be our walk
Combined by our hearts, dreams and Love

A footpath that I will seek
Every afternoon, just to remember or to forget.
Everything is the same in my life.

Walking towards me
No, just walking, just to pass me
They passed and he was smiling.

This smile.. This walk with another
This "me" walking
What a lethal combination.

ShadiatiQue © 2012 
 Follow shadiatique on Twitter


  1. oh heck...this is to walk completely new ways, those that he doesn't know...

  2. "Everything is the same in my life." while i, myself, like things to remain the same, maybe it's time to change things up. very nice write.
