About Shadiatique

My work, is disturbing?! 
And the story always travels in the jungle. 
Like a strong horse in his dominated area! 
Like a dowry when rebellion against the dominator. 

Like hair, who dances with the clouds 
Like me, and the wind in the silence 
Like gossips, when the wind had freed. 

 Contact me by mail: 
Shadiatique - @ Yahoo 
 Tweet: @shadiatique 
 © 2010-2014


  1. this is an intriguing poem. I cannot grasp its meaning overall but the last two lines sound like that when you (and the wind) were freed people noticed and started talking about it. Thanks for linking up with dVerse. Hope to see you again soon!

  2. nice comparisons...hair dancing in clouds...a silent wind...and gossips when freed...def intriguing

  3. I like " like me, and the wind in silence..." nice lines.

  4. This is a great poem. I really like the last two lines

  5. Very good take bringing in contrasts of events to the fore. Beautiful poem!

  6. Intriguing piece... muttles a bit of my mind, seeking clarity in the silence, voices in the wind.

  7. I really like your writing!

    I hope you are having great dreams today in Denmark, far from your home of love and injury.

  8. Africa, your first love, how sweet. I shall think of Africa to make your sidebar button for my site tonight.

  9. Hey there - just tuned in and became your newest follower. Come on over to http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com if you want to return the favor, thanks! :)
