November 13, 2015

The Art of Weeping - #OLN

Let's draw around us
a world that's so brat
and unbelievably sad
as it would clear the sky
for our only dance.

Our sadness and sorrow
will let our love grow
Over the limits of the Chandelier

When we collaps, we will enter 
a deep silence in the heart 
Where we will improvise tears 

Improvisations in thousand ways
The more weeping episodes we have
The more we will increas our
love's glance through the Chandelier

We will ask the waiter
To fill the cups of wailing
We will cry and tear.

If the wail takes long
It will be the finest flow
better than the Giggles of fools.

Weep out with me  
The tragedy of life 
From the depth of my heart

Let the sad tune
be our new ideology
Let us cry without interruption

© 2010 

An old poem shared with dVerse poets #OLN