Some of us grow up as lions
Some of us grow up as lions
Others grow up as lion-tamers
Others grow up as lion-tamers
It's hard to believe in innocence
Anymore now where we all exist.
A hobo once went on a tour
A hobo once went on a tour
He wandered and wandered
He wandered and wandered
Until he realized that people
live in cages like lions.
The hobo with his stroller went vagabonding
The hobo with his stroller went vagabonding
He met unhappy, rogue lion-tamers
He met unhappy, rogue lion-tamers
That would threaten and forbid
Just to be clapped at.
Cheering audience finely approves
Cheering audience finely approves
while the lion watches calmly
while the lion watches calmly
Only a hobo that observes
would know what the lion's thinking.
Writing paralleled for Open Link Night - dVerse.
ShadiatiQue © 2010-2015