November 26, 2014

Some Noble Sacrifice


For moments 
I can re-live our shared times
Long walks through the woods
Shared giggles while playing cards
Embraced by you when it rains

I'm aware of 
Time that has past for such a noble dream
Would'nt fall & hummiliate myself twice
From this moment I take my own advice

Re-live with me or not, 
There is nothing to lose or sacrifice
Being one fisher or just a dreamer by the sea
All I can is to live on/of my borrowd time. 

Just my view of nonesense for amazing
Anthony's prompt at dVerse Poetics!
ShadiatiQue © 2010-2014 
Follow shadiatique on Twitter

November 08, 2014

Whisper - Fair Love

In whisper & in French she said,
as if she's afraid of my reaction.

My entire life, all I wanted
was to earn her trust.
Today while holding her hand
she is afraid of my reaction.

As her eyes shines, as I make sure
to tell her about my Love.
I scare her, not my intentions

My soul listens to her
thus my groaning life
I know, I know
I put myself in these situations

But don't ask how I pray
for more of her love
My impulsive pulse
will beg me to repeat,
 My entire life, all I wanted
was to earn her trust.
My humble emotions.

ShadiatiQue © 2010-2014
 Follow shadiatique on Twitter

November 05, 2014

Source of joy - Crush

I felt for eyes, hands
and lips that draw for me "The Smile"
Every time we get closer for a smalltalk
Each innocent touch, or compliment
I experienced happiness and joy.

Before I even knew, my joy
turned into my life's biggest sorrow
Some signals just developed to a life plan

How could I hope so much?
How could I not control my felicity.

ShadiatiQue © 2010-2014
Follow shadiatique on Twitter