November 30, 2011

Convince yourself

When you see them
look deep into the kindness
& sweetness in our Souls 

Then you would know that, 
They cannot tolerate our happiness
Then consider that as a mild earthquake 
& remember to smile. 

Think of them as a light that 
shines between combined black clouds 
They admire the purity of our hearts
and the attractiveness of our words

Long looks, Confusing habits 
Suspicious emotions, Speaking looks 
with yellowish smiles -
Will not lead you to confrontation 
but to smile back and forgive. 

Shared with Thursday Poets Rally week 57
© 2010-2011

November 13, 2011

Burned again

Hehe hehe
Poor me
I thought I learned a lot
Life is so hard to live in 

I Learned nothing 
Burned a lot 
Sadly what life brings
Without please is burning heats. 

How is't to be nice 
And hurt or burn 
In the name of Love
You might admit as-well 
That life is hard to be in. 

Every kiss is hidden in the night 
Every promis is forgotten in the morning
Only questions stays to be asked

Only I know the answers 
But let me ask you, what have I learned? 
I learned a lot, but nothing yet. 

© 2010-2011


After watching you glow 
After waiting under the old tree
I cried .. Would you just write back

Humming the old love song
Whatever you want to do 
Is OK with me
Just let me hear from you

I will wait and be the one you 
Want to run back to
In any time, in any place
I will cry and wait. 

Let's stay connected, loving 
Our journey in it's sadness
is giving to us as a joy. 
I wouldn't run alone 
Enough for me to wait and cry. 

© 2010-2011